Genesis 16

Then Sarai said to Abram, “This is all your fault! I put my servant into your arms, but now that she’s pregnant she treats me with contempt. The Lord will show who’s wrong—you or me!” (Genesis 16:5 NLT) 

Since Sarai was not getting pregnant, she thought God was going to give Abram descendants another way – through her maidservant. When her plan caused tension in their marriage, she chose to put the full blame on her husband instead of admitting her faults. She had a choice at this point to address the situation with Hagar. She could have repented from her mistake of trying to control the situation when she should have waited for God’s plan to unfold. She didn’t. Instead, we see the ripple effect of sin. She made excuses, blamed Abram, and mistreated Hagar, causing Hagar to leave. Are you able to stop the ripple effect of sin? Do you find it difficult to admit when you are wrong, and would others agree with your answer?  
Pray it:
Father, help me to keep trusting in your promises and plan and not take matters into my own hands. And when I have followed my ideas rather than yours, help me to quickly be convicted, repent, and return to you. Thank you for accepting me back every time I go astray. Amen.
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