Genesis 8

“But the dove could find no place to land because the water still covered the ground. So it returned to the boat, and Noah held out his hand and drew the dove back inside. After waiting another seven days, Noah released the dove again.” (Genesis‬ ‭8‬:‭9‬-‭10‬ ‭NLT‬‬)

Noah had been in the ark with his family and the animals for about 370 days. You can imagine how desperately they wanted to get off that boat; they were grateful to be saved, but likely getting restless as they waited. Noah sends out a raven to see if it would find land and not return. The raven kept flying back and forth — not a good sign. Then Noah sent out a dove, only to have the dove come back with no sign of dry land. More waiting…more patience required. We want that freshly plucked olive leaf returned to us, immediately, but God’s timing is not always our timing. Maybe you’ve had your “dove” come back empty handed before. Maybe you’re in that waiting period right now. Have you surrendered it to God? Are you learning to trust Him as you wait for the waters to recede?  
Pray it:
Father, help me keep trusting in you in the times of waiting, knowing that your time and your plan is perfect. Use my time in the “waiting room” for you to act to draw me closer to you and to speak and show your love towards others. Amen.
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