Genesis 30

Then Jacob became furious with Rachel. “Am I God?” he asked. “He’s the one who has kept you from having children!” (Genesis 30:2 NLT)

In Matthew Henry’s commentary on this passage, he says: “Whatever we want, it is God that withholds it, a sovereign Lord, most wise, holy, and just, that may do what he will with his own, and is debtor to no man, that never did, nor ever can do, any wrong to any of his creatures.” In other words, if we are asking God for something and not receiving it, it is because God has a purpose for withholding it as He can do no wrong to us. His timing and His decisions are trustworthy.
Pray it:
Father, help me trust your timing and decisions, knowing that you are a good Father and working for what is best for me, even when I don’t recognize it as what is best. Shape my desires so that they more and more reflect your will and purposes for my life. Amen.
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