Genesis 35

Then God said to Jacob, “Get ready and move to Bethel and settle there. Build an altar there to the God who appeared to you when you fled from your brother, Esau.” (Genesis 35:1 NLT)  

Bethel was the place where the Lord met with Jacob in chapter 28. At that place, the Lord promised to be there for Jacob, and in response, Jacob vowed that God would be his God. He created a memorial there to symbolize that he would not forget being in the Lord’s presence. Time passes, the pagan culture filters in little by little, and God tells Jacob to go back to Bethel. Suddenly Jacob looks around and finds himself having been influenced by these other nations and their gods. Have you ever felt closer to God than you do right now? Do you remember the place where you first placed your faith in the Lord? Think back to that time, and make a conscious effort to incorporate time in the presence of God and remember what He has done for you so that you may stay close to Him.  
Pray it:
Father, remind me of the time that I first experienced your mercy and grace in my life and renew my awe of your grace and love for you today. Keep me close to you and to quickly run back to you when I find myself drifting. Amen.
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