Genesis 31

So Laban continued his search, but he could not find the household idols. (Genesis 31:35b NLT) 

Laban heads home without his household gods. Do you wonder how Laban could have false, non-living gods when he knew full well that Jacob’s God was real — alive and talking to Jacob, telling him to watch what he says to Jacob? We know that when people seek the real God, they find Him (Jeremiah 29:13). We know that the real God is not lost but is always right there by each of us (Acts 17:27), and we know anyone seeking the real God would not have sought in vain (Isaiah 45:18-20). This makes you wonder how anyone could have false gods. Don’t they know what we know? How can we make it known to them? We should also ask if we have any false gods, as maybe our worship of false gods is what is getting in the way.
Pray it:
Father, show me if there are false gods that I am worshiping and help me turn from them and back to you. Thank you for the promise of forgiveness for when I go astray and may that experience of forgiveness lead me to worship you more and turn more quickly from the false gods that tempt me. Amen.
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