Genesis 15

After the sun went down and darkness fell, Abram saw a smoking firepot and a flaming torch pass between the halves of the carcasses. (Genesis 15:17 NLT) 

In Old Testament times, a covenant was sealed by cutting animals in half and having both parties walk between the animals; this implied that what was done to these animals would be done to anyone who broke this covenant. Notice that God walks through the cut animal path in the midst of smoke and fire by Himself. He is letting Abram know that God’s promise will be fulfilled — no matter what. Abram didn’t walk through the path with God because God knows how we fall short. God secures the covenant. God establishes a covenant of grace with us as well through the broken body of His Son. Faith alone in Jesus secures the covenant, not our efforts. We know this, yet often we feel our lack of effort would make God love us less. Do you know that God loves you with immeasurable love and nothing will change that?
Pray it:
Father, thank you for entering into a covenant with me that is not dependent on my works or ability to obey perfectly, but on your promises and my faith in them. May I recognize your amazing love seen in this and respond with humble and grateful obedience. Amen.
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