Genesis 18

Then the Lord said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh? Why did she say, ‘Can an old woman like me have a baby?’ Is anything too hard for the Lord? (Genesis 18:13-14a NLT)

We know that Abraham and Sarah were older in age. We also know Sarah was unable to bear children, which is why she made the mistake of having Abraham conceive with another woman. Despite the favor shown upon their family, Sarah doubted and questioned God. Naturally, she was certain she was unable to conceive at this point in her life; she did not grasp the full scope of God’s power. We know that God can do anything; yet, when it comes to applying that knowledge to our lives, we often question it. Today God reminds us not to limit His work in our lives. “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” What is your “anything” that you need to release to the Lord? 
Pray it:
Father, thank you for doing impossible things such as giving Abraham and Sarah a child and for raising Jesus from the dead. Help me remember that all things are possible with you and to trust you, knowing that nothing can stand in the way of your promises and nothing can separate me from your love in Christ. Amen.
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