Luke 7

And Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” (Luke 7:50)

In our world today, it’s easy to debate over who is saved and who isn’t, but we rarely spend as much time looking at love and repentance as we do looking at sin. Yes, God hates sin, but He also offers a way out. Jesus doesn’t really seem to get caught up in the debate. He focuses on offering peace and forgiveness to the lost over endless debate on what we all deserve. Fix your eyes on Jesus. He knows where you’ve fallen short and extends a love that covers every condemnation. If you have given your life to Jesus, he will drown out the world’s accusations with his life-giving acceptance.
Pray it:
Father, thank you for the forgiveness and salvation you have given me through faith in Jesus. Help me to live in reality of this forgiveness, both in how I view myself and how I treat and interact with others around me. Amen.
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