Genesis 7

A male and female of each kind entered, just as God had commanded Noah. Then the Lord closed the door behind them. (Genesis 7:16 NLT)

God gave Noah and his family the opportunity to be saved from condemnation by instructing him to build an ark. We live in the light of God’s full plan of redeeming humankind and all of creation through His Son. In Jesus, all humankind is offered an invitation for a free boarding pass on the ark. Those who accept the invitation and hop on board will be saved. And when Jesus returns, the Lord will shut His people in and complete His plan. There will come a day when it will be too late and the world will no longer have the opportunity to accept the invitation. Lift up in prayer today those in your life who are not yet on the boat of salvation and pray that they would be drawn to receive the free boarding pass to eternal life through Jesus Christ.
Pray it:
Father, thank you for saving me from the flood of eternal judgment through Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection. Help me invite others to join me in this ark, and I specifically pray for ________ to come to trust in Jesus and be saved with me. Amen
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