Genesis 49

Then Jacob called together all his sons and said, “Gather around me, and I will tell you what will happen to each of you in the days to come. (Genesis 49:1 NLT)

Jacob’s last words were prophetic blessings to his sons. He did not want to die without saying these words to them. It is human nature to tend to live for the moment and focus on the comforts of the present environment. Yet, Scripture tells us: “So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.” (2 Corinthians 4:18). His sons needed to know that there is a bigger picture to see. Bad traits as well as good, were declared in the blessings for them to learn how they fit into the bigger picture. They were not to get too comfortable in Egypt but must keep their focus on the Promised Land in Canaan. The application is the same for us. How often do we focus more on getting comfortable here than on the bigger eternal picture?  
Pray it:
Father, remind me that what I see in this world is not all that there is – and it is not my ultimate home. Help me live as an ambassador on this earth, thinking about my heavenly home and what you value rather than on what I can see in the here and now. Amen.
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