Genesis 2
The Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it. (Genesis 2:15 NLT)
Work is good. Even in paradise there was work to do. God assigned work to man before sin came into the picture to keep the beautiful creation God had made. It was sin that caused work to be difficult and burdensome. God desires that all things be restored to the way He intended and that includes work and our attitude towards it. What would people say is your attitude towards your work? Whether it’s your paid job or work around the house and community, how can we have a better attitude towards the work we do or perhaps chores that we’ve been neglecting?
The Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it. (Genesis 2:15 NLT)
Work is good. Even in paradise there was work to do. God assigned work to man before sin came into the picture to keep the beautiful creation God had made. It was sin that caused work to be difficult and burdensome. God desires that all things be restored to the way He intended and that includes work and our attitude towards it. What would people say is your attitude towards your work? Whether it’s your paid job or work around the house and community, how can we have a better attitude towards the work we do or perhaps chores that we’ve been neglecting?
Pray it:
Father, help me to see that my daily labors on this earth – whether for pay or not – reflect the calling you gave us to work and keep this earth, making it reflect your glory and purposes. May the things that I do bring honor and glory to you each day. Amen.
Father, help me to see that my daily labors on this earth – whether for pay or not – reflect the calling you gave us to work and keep this earth, making it reflect your glory and purposes. May the things that I do bring honor and glory to you each day. Amen.
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