Genesis 5
walking in close fellowship with God. Then one day he disappeared, because God took him.
Enoch walked with God. In all areas of life, all circumstances in life, Enoch was known for his faithfulness in walking with God. When he hit the potholes in life, God was there helping him through it. When he skipped through the smooth terrain in life, he skipped through with God. How is your walk with God? Do you faithfully walk with Him daily? What area of your life do you tend to walk your own way and keep separate from God? Invite God to walk with you in that area of your life.
walking in close fellowship with God. Then one day he disappeared, because God took him.
Enoch walked with God. In all areas of life, all circumstances in life, Enoch was known for his faithfulness in walking with God. When he hit the potholes in life, God was there helping him through it. When he skipped through the smooth terrain in life, he skipped through with God. How is your walk with God? Do you faithfully walk with Him daily? What area of your life do you tend to walk your own way and keep separate from God? Invite God to walk with you in that area of your life.
Pray it:
Father, help me to walk with you each day that I am on this earth, both on the days of smooth terrain and the days filled with bumps and potholes. Help me walk so closely with you that I see your desire for me to live in each moment and every area of life. Amen.
Father, help me to walk with you each day that I am on this earth, both on the days of smooth terrain and the days filled with bumps and potholes. Help me walk so closely with you that I see your desire for me to live in each moment and every area of life. Amen.
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